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40 minEditable3D animated

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In cases of “Phishing”, attackers try to gain access to sensitive information or install malicious software via various channels of communication (e-mail, phone, text message). The criminals pretend to be trustworthy individuals or companies and – if they are successful – may cause considerable harm to your company. In this staff training, your employees will get to know different kinds of attacks, such as spear phishing, whaling, vishing, smishing or blackmail via e-mail, in the course of an interactive story. They will learn not only how to recognize attacks but also how to counter them. In this way, this web-based training can increase your company’s IT security and contribute to protecting sensitive company-internal data. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).

v1.14 (May 06, 2024)

German, English
German, English
Online training or SCORM 1.2 download
€ 1.90 /user /month (Pricing details)
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Cyber Security
Other languages on request.
Editable with our authoring software.
Compatible with all common learning management systems (LMS).
Online learning platform included!
Target group:
Employees of companies or organizations.
Story + Quiz
Phishing, communication tools, attacker, email, call, SMS, confidential data, malware, damage, spear phishing, whaling, vishing, smishing, extortion, fend off, IT security, protection, confidential data, data, NIS policy, ransomware
  • Attacks via E-Mail (Phishing)
    • What Is Phishing and What Are Attackers‘ Intentions?
  • Possible Targets
  • Types of Phishing
  • Recognizing Phishing Mails and Acting in the Right Way
  • Example 1
  • Example 2
  • Example 3
  • Ransomware
  • Blackmail via E-Mail
  • Attacks via Phone (Vishing)
  • Attacks via Text Message or Messenger (Smishing)
  • Checklists
  • Quiz
Version history:
v1.14, May 06, 2024

Engine update and performance improvements.

v1.13, Mar 06, 2024

SCORM 2004 support added

v1.12, Dec 06, 2023
v1.11, Oct 16, 2023
v1.10, Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]

© E-SEC E-Learning 2005-2024. All rights reserved.

E-SEC E-Learning offers interactive 3D animated e-learning courses with engaging teaching methods for your team. Courses can be downloaded (SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 or Remote SCORM for LMS integration) or accessed as online trainings on the E-SEC learning platform. You can edit all content using the E-SEC authoring software.